I’m a research associate and 4th year PhD student at TU Berlin, working in the research group on Distributed and Operating Systems (DOS) by Prof. Odej Kao. Before that, I’ve worked as a Software and Data Engineer at different companies in Berlin. My research focus is on carbon-aware computing: Aligning the power consumption of computing systems with the availability of renewable energy. Besides that, I’m interested in research on systems for machine learning as well as the co-simulation of computing and energy systems.

Find me on Google Scholar , GitHub , LinkedIn , and Twitter or contact me at wiesner at tu-berlin.de

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  • July 2023: We released a first version of Vessim, a co-simulator for carbon-aware applications and systems.
  • June 2023: I’ll present our research on sustainable federated learning at the Software Campus Summit 2023.
  • April 2023: We have three new student workers starting at DOS this month, growing our team on the Synergy project to five people.
  • March 2023: I presented or current research on leveraging renewable excess energy in federated fearning at the Low-Carbon and Sustainable Computing seminar series organized by the University of Glasgow.
  • January 2023: I’m visiting the IRIT in Toulouse for two weeks to collaborate on their DATAZERO2 project.
  • November 2022: Our solution Lowcarb won the 1st price in CarbonHack22 organized by the Green Software Foundation.
  • October 2022: This winter semester I’ll supervise our Master Project: Distributed Systems, which will be the first course on Carbon-Aware Computing at TU Berlin.
  • August 2022: We presented Cucumber at Euro-Par 2022 in Glasgow.
  • July 2022: I have been invited to a discussion on carbon-aware computing in the Environment Variables podcast of the Green Software Foundation. Listen to the episode here!
  • June 2022: Our paper Cucumber has been featured in a BIFOLD blog article and a press release by Technische Universität Berlin.
  • May 2022: We’re organizing the 2nd iteration of our workshop on Testing Distributed IoT Systems (TDIS), submit your work by June 21!
  • March 2022: I will be visiting Lauritz Thamsen and Dimitrios Pezaros for a research stay at the Glasgow Systems Section of the Univesity of Glasgow for four months until end of July.
  • February 2022: This month my Software Campus project on synergies between distributed power generation and edge intelligence starts in collaboration wiuth Huawei. I’ll be leading this project over the next two years.
Selected Publications